When I make a contribution to the budget, how does the church use those funds?
- 50% of all that you give stays in your local worshiping community (Andover, Downtown, or Offerings) to be used for ministry in that setting.
- 25% goes toward church wide needs. This includes our Business Administrator, Office Manager/Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Administrative Assistants and other staffing. This also includes our insurance, all of our printing and copying expenses, office supplies, the costs associated with Rokeby Hall, maintenance on our bus and vans, and much more.
- 10% goes immediately to our missions fund. The list of missions this fund supports is long and growing.
- 11% goes to the Kentucky United Methodist Church to support our inter-connectional ministries. Some of the special ways these funds are used include support of ministries like Aldersgate Camp, Wesley Foundations on college campuses, and new church starts, along with a global evangelism effort and outreaches like Imagine No Malaria.
- 4% goes towards funding new communities of First UMC and towards investing in both lay and clergy leadership through the Discipleship Intensive and First Church Fellows.
By contrast to budget giving, every dollar you give in a special offering to a capital campaign – 100% of the money goes to that specific campaign and purpose.

How does the church handle restricted contributions?
We have taken a number of offerings for disaster relief - Sandy, Japan, Haiti, Katrina, etc. - over the last several years, and you have responded tremendously each time.
We also take annual offerings for the following:
- fifth Sunday offerings for the Kentucky Methodist Children’s Homes
- Wesley Village (Have a Heart for Seniors)
- UMCOR (One Great Hour of Sharing)
- Scholarships for racial- and ethnic-minority students and international students (World Communion Sunday)
- United Methodist student scholarships (United Methodist Student Day)
You have made First Church one of the largest givers to special offerings in the Kentucky Conference. Whenever you give to an announced special offering, 100% of your contribution goes directly to that charity.
Restricted Contributions to Other Charitable Organizations
Whenever you give to other charitable organizations that are not supported by First Church’s budget (e.g. The United Way, or a special UMC advance), 100% of your contribution goes directly to that charity.
We encourage you to send your contributions directly to these charitable organizations when possible. That enables you to form a relationship with them and allows them to know who their donors are. However, we are happy to pass on your contributions to these organizations when asked.
Restricted Contributions to Budget-Supported Ministries
First Church’s policy is to accept contributions designated toward budget-supported ministries (e.g. children’s ministry, music ministry, Nathaniel Mission, or Habitat for Humanity) into the regular budget if they are under $1,000. These contributions to the budget help fund ministries that we are already supporting, and they are greatly appreciated.
If you make a restricted contribution of at least $1,000 to one of the church’s budget-supported ministries or missions, we accept that as a contribution outside and above our budget support. That contribution goes directly and 100% toward the specific area to which it is designated.
The church’s leaders are working hard to put every dollar given to its best use. We are trying to be diligent about avoiding waste and being good stewards. With that, we strongly encourage you to make your contributions as unrestricted gifts to the general church budget. Those contributions allow us the freedom to make the decisions we believe are best for the whole church. We greatly value your trust in allowing the church’s appointed and elected leaders to make those decisions.
How can I obtain more information about the church’s finances?
We are happy to provide as much information as possible about the stewardship of our funds and answer any questions.
We want to be fully transparent in the church’s collection and use of all money. For questions specific to your contributions, please contact Financial Secretary Kacie Bledsoe or Treasurer Ryan Barr in the church office or by email at and .
For questions about First Church’s budget or financial standing, please contact Business Administrator Jennifer Gibson or Treasurer Ryan Barr. Contact them in the church office, or by e-mail at and .