Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
The phrase from the Doxology reminds us that life is a gift from God. Blessings flow into our lives and we are given the opportunity and responsibility to steward them for the common good. Thank you for taking to heart both the opportunity and responsibility. You once again in 2021 demonstrated your heart of generosity and gratitude.
In 2022 our focus is going to be ENGAGEMENT. As we are talking about renewal in the month of January, we want to offer a way for the church family to settle back into the routine of engaging with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness after two very different years.
My first draft of this letter was a long explanation of "why" we need to focus on engagement as a church and as individuals. But after reading the letter through it just didn't feel right. You don't need to be convinced. You consistently respond generously any time the needs are laid out before you. So that's what we will do.
As you can imagine, the past two years have changed many of our ways of serving. And we need to build back many of our teams if we are to do our work well. The enclosed card outlines some needs for the coming year and asks for your commitment. You'll notice that the card includes prayer, places to serve, and financial commitments.
On January 30 during each of the services you will be invited to return the commitment card as part of worship or fill it out online here. Until then please join me in prayer as well as conversation about your personal engagement for 2022 and beyond.
All my best,
Downtown 2022 Commitment Form
If you would like to complete a commitment form online you may do so here.
Join with us in reflecting and meditating on the words of the Wesley Covenant Renewal, as we renew our commitment to Christ and one another. Click here.
The new year is a great time to commit to a new group, re-commit to a familiar one, or even commit to being a volunteer for a group of kids or youth. Check out our groups page here.
Our Act 2 capital projects are well underway and some have even been completed. Keep up with ongoing and completed projects, and find ways to contribute here.
Wondering what God might be calling you to commit to or how you can serve? Exploring your spiritual gifts is a good place to start. Click here.